When We Get to Meeting is the first album of UWS and myself. A vinyl LP in an edition of 500 was released in February 2010 on dead ceo.
Our duo started in spring 2008 during a residency and co-production at Steim and DNK-Amsterdam and has since toured in Europe and America.
Woody plays acoustic and electro-acoustic banjo, I play different kinds of harmonicas, usually re-tuned. It's two instruments with a lot of cultural baggage played by two musicians involved in experimental music where such cultural associations are not so common. This new / folk / minimal duo re-interprets instrumental and stylistic conventions, embracing contemporary aesthetics whilst scanning back through 20th century music, with instruments that haven't changed since the 1920's.
"When We Get to Meeting is an incomparable set, and however one chooses to classify the music of Sullender and Cater, it's absolutely gorgeous and unique." Clifford Allen
"...the results of this duo are so phenomenally playful and full of depth and simple joy that it's hard not to love what they are doing. This is a refreshing take on the combination of folk and experimental musical modes and definitely deserves wider attention. 10/10" Charles Franklin
"Its one of those things which you have no idea what to make of, but you feel instinctively its great and perhaps therefore all the more a great record. Odd but great." Frans de Waard
"It's a beautiful piece of work that gains resonance and meaning with repeated listens, and I particularly appreciate the way it challenges assumptions about the instruments by transplanting avant-garde practices into a musical context that seems as old as the hills." Peter Margasak - Chicago Reader
LP available here, also available on iTunes.