A History of Musical Pitch - Seamus Cater

Another Timbre (UK) - 2023 - at216

This album is one half of the project (Re)sounding Alexander J. Ellis, which I began in 2018. The music is for various instruments and 74 tuning forks which are tuned to represent The History of Musical Pitch, a paper delivered to the Royal Society by Ellis in 1880.

There is an interview at the Another Timbre website, where the music is available. It's also on Bandcamp.

A History of Musical Pitch (2020)

    Anne La Berge : flute
    Fredrik Rasten : e-bowed acoustic guitar
    Peter Adriaansz, Hugo Bell, Yannis Kyriakides,
    Danya Pilchen : tuning forks

Checking (2021)

    Koen Nutters : double bass
    Seamus Cater : skhismic duet concertina
    Peter Adriaansz, Hugo Bell, Yannis Kyriakides,
    Danya Pilchen : tuning forks

Tree Space: the trees they do grow high (2019)

    DNK Ensemble
    Germiane Sijstermans : clarinet
    Dante Boon : Rhodes piano
    Koen Nutters : double bass
    Rishin Singh : trombone
    Seamus Cater : duet concertina

For score copies or tuning fork data, send me an email.